About Sophie

Sophie Cho is a 5.5 year-old bundle of energy and sunshine. She has a smile that will light up the room, but also a feisty side that will put you in your place!

On Dec 1, 2012, at age 4.5, Sophie was diagnosed with a highly malignant brain tumor called medulloblastoma, originating in the cerebellum. Medulloblastoma affects just under 2 people per million, but it is more common in children than adults.  She underwent immediate surgery at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago to remove as much of the tumor as possible. Her neurosurgeon was able to resect almost all of the tumor, but some cancer cells still remained near her brainstem. She spent 18 long days at the hospital recovering from surgery, as we learned of our daunting new challenge of cancer treatment.

She began proton radiation at the CDH Procure facility in Warrenville, IL on Jan 2, 2013, and endured 30 days of treatment, which ended on Feb 12, 2013. She began the maintenance cycles of chemotherapy in March 2013. 9 courses total, 4-6 weeks apart, which completed in Feb 2014. She underwent an MRI in Sept 2014 that came back with no evidence of disease! She is currently loving 1st grade & catching up for lost time by traveling and having lots of fun.

She has her occasional bursts of annoyance/anger, but otherwise in good spirits, and trying to be a normal 6 year-old. She loves going to school, and our goal is for her to have a "normal" childhood experience.

We do not know what the future holds, especially with the effects of radiation; we have hope in the best possible outcomes. To that end, we take each day one day at a time. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Like our facebook page, Feisty Fighter, for more updates and pics. Donate here at youcaring.

Jason, Jeannie, Sophie, Selah, Josiah

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