Monday, December 17, 2012

Sweet Selah

The youngest member of our family, Selah, could arguably be the one holding us all together. Many of you know, Seah*, as we affectionately call her, is the sweetest, friendliest, warmest, cuddliest Cho. She waves to strangers, will go to almost anyone who gives her food, and loves to be held and cuddled.

The first 4 days of our new normal, Seah stayed in Wheaton with grandma. But we missed her terribly, and it seemed that though she was in her own house, sleeping in her own bed, something wasn't quite right. So last Thursday, we brought her downtown to stay at the Ronald McDonald house. We knew it'd be a challenge, but our family has stepped up to help watch her, with my mom, and 2 sisters coming for multiple days at a time to take care of her. She's been super-flexible to sleep in a strange place, adjust to a new schedule, and bring her loud, warm, contagious personality to everyone she meets at RM house, and the hospital.

She comes to the hospital after her nap every day from about 4-6, and that has been the most precious time and the time that I most look forward to every day. She mostly is looking around to see what new toys her sister has received or seeing what snacks she can pilfer, but I know her being there makes such a difference to Sophie, me, and Jeannie. Though I'm sure she knows things are different (Unni has ay-yahs in her head), she's been the same sweet Seah that we so dearly love. The person that knows the least about this terrible cancer situation is the one that is keeping our spirits up with her bouncy, bubbly manner.

God is using this precious 2.5-yr old girl to keep us sane and whole in this unbelievable time. Jeannie, Sophie, and I love her so much!

*Background on why we call her Seah...when she was born, 2-yr old Sophie couldn't quite pronounce the 'L' in Selah, so Seah has become our name for her.

Prayer request: The past few days Sophie has been having some major, major meltdowns where she gets so mad, she rips off some of her heartrate stickers, and is inconsolable for up to an hour, yelling at everyone (including me and Jeannie) to go away. We do not think it's pain (she's been off pain meds most days), but it's more that she's sick and tired of being there, and just refuses to comply. It's been difficult for us to see her  in that state, and she's extremely uncooperative with the nurses and other staff at the hospital. Please pray that God would calm her mind, give her peace beyond her understanding.


  1. Jason, we are keeping Sophie and you and your family in our prayers every day.

  2. Praying for you guys everyday... Thanks so much for sharing. It is so encouraging to hear how your family is coming together in this difficult time and giving your all for both your precious girls.

  3. So grateful for the updates. We pray for Sophie every day in class and pray for God's strong hands to hold you fast. Know that you are all loved so much.
